Don’t Do it Alone! 4 Dangers of Using DIY Legal Services

November 7, 2018


Do-it-yourself legal services have become extremely popular over the last several years. They are advertised as a fast and affordable way to get important legal matters completed. While doing things yourself is good in many areas of life, it is almost always a mistake when it comes to legal services. There are many problems that can arise when using these types of services, many of which can end up costing you thousands of dollars to get fixed.

May Not Be Enforceable

When you complete many DIY documents, the system that you use will have you print them off and file them away. The fact is, however, that many legal documents require you to have a witness there when you sign them. When it comes to estate planning documents, that witness will need to be able to confirm that you are acting of your own will and of sound mind. DIY legal services don’t have the necessary protections in place to ensure everything is done correctly, which often means the documents aren’t enforceable should someone challenge them.

Failing to Provide Customized Service

DIY legal services typically ask a lot of questions in order to provide the right legal documents for your needs. There is no doubt that these systems have become quite advanced, and can really no longer be considered a “one size fits all” solution. The reality is, however, it is impossible for a system like this to provide a truly customized legal service that is comparable to what you will receive when working directly with an experienced attorney.

Documents Aren’t Kept Updated

When most people use DIY legal services, they typically complete the process and then assume that they are done. Most legal documents, however, need to be reviewed and updated periodically to account for changes in the law, changes in your circumstances, and other factors. An attorney can set up recurring appointments to meet with you when needed in order to ensure your documents are kept up to date.

Nowhere to Turn with Questions

Legal issues are often very complicated, which is why having an attorney there to provide answers to your questions is so important. When using DIY services, you don’t have an experienced lawyer sitting across the table to help. Even the DIY services that have options to call an attorney with questions aren’t going to be able to provide you with the in-depth solutions that you need to have confidence in the results.

We Are Here for You

When you need legal services, you want to work with a trusted attorney who you can work with you throughout the process. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us to set up a consultation right away.

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