Trust formation
Are you currently in the process of setting up a trust or perhaps thinking about doing so? If so, understanding exactly what attorneys do for trust administration can help you make informed decisions. Our legal team will help you evaluate documents and make the correct filings for your trust. Ensuring compliancy with California laws is another part effective trust management. Lawvex can help with all the various steps of administering a trust, from setup through dissolution, making sure assets are properly managed on behalf of all beneficiaries.
Experienced Attorneys for trust administration
For families with trust-based plans, trust administration will be required as there is still legal work to do even though there may not be a court case. Trust administration is handled privately, outside of court unless there is a dispute or clarification needed. We can provide tremendous protection for trustees that may be personally liable if they are negligent in trustee duties. We can also provide guidance regarding the timing and manner of operating businesses or selling land or investment property.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with Trust Administration.