Leave Entitlement Law

February 10, 2018

Leave entitlement under California and federal law is complex. This table is intended to provide a summary of the various leave programs with some key provisions.

This chart is subject to change in accordance with applicable law.

FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) Federal ◦ for birth/adoption/foster care of employee child
◦ to care for family members with serious health condition
◦ for employee with serious health condition including pregnancy
No ◦ 50 or more employees within 75 miles
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ return employee to same position
◦ employed at least 12 months
◦ at least 1250 work hours over last 12 months
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ 12 weeks within first 12 months of becoming parent or need for leave per “leave year” as elected by employer
CALIFORNIA FAMILY RIGHTS ACT (CFRA) California ◦ for birth/adoption/foster care of employee child
◦ to care for family members with serious health condition
◦ for employee with serious health condition
No ◦ 50 or more employees within 75 miles
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ return employee to same position
◦ employed at least 12 months
◦ at least 1250 work hours over last 12 months
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ 12 weeks within first 12 months of becoming parent or need for leave
PARENTAL LEAVE California ◦ for birth/adoption/foster care of employee child No ◦ 20 to 49 employees within 75 miles
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ return employee to same position
◦ employed at least 12 months
◦ at least 1250 work hours over last 12 months
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ 12 weeks within first 12 months of becoming parent
PREGNANCY DISABILITY LAW (PDL) California ◦ for employee disability related to pregnancy and childbirth No ◦ 5 or more employees
◦ written guarantee of return employee to same position if requested by employee
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ return employee to same position
◦ eligible immediately
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ 17 1/3 weeks (4 months)
◦ separate entitlement from CFRA and FMLA
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Federal ◦ as a reasonable accommodation to a disability No ◦ 15 or more employees
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ no undue hardship to permit leave
◦ engage employee in interactive process to determine need for accommodations
◦ return employee to same position
◦ “qualified individual with disability”
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ eligible immediately
◦ as needed for reasonable accommodation
Govt Code §12940
California ◦ as a reasonable accommodation to a physical or mental disability or medical condition No ◦ 5 or more employees
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ no undue hardship to permit leave
◦ engage employee in interactive process to determine need for accommodations
◦ return employee to same position
◦ qualified based on physical or mental disability or medical condition
◦ must notify employer of need for leave
◦ eligible immediately
◦ as needed for reasonable accommodation
Labor Code §233
California ◦ to care for a family member Yes ◦ all employers
◦ return employee to same position
◦ up to 1/2 accrued sick leave not to exceed what would have been accrued in 6 months
WORKERS COMPENSATION LAW California ◦ to recuperate from and/or compensate due to work related injury Yes ◦ all employers
◦ provide transitional work when appropriate
◦ must notify employer of injury ◦ until such time as is cleared to return to work, even if modified
Labor Code §230(a)
California ◦ to serve on a jury pursuant to summons No ◦ all employers ◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ as needed to complete jury service
Labor Code §230(b)
California ◦ to appear as a witness pursuant to a summons or court order No ◦ all employers ◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ as need to satisfy summons or order
Labor Code §230.2
California ◦ to participate in judicial proceedings No ◦ all employers
◦ employer must keep confidential
◦ victim of crime
◦ immediate family member is victim of crime
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ as needed to attend to judicial proceedings
Labor Code §§230 & 230.1
California ◦ for medical attention
◦ to obtain services for victimization
◦ to participate in a safety course
◦ to obtain psychological counseling
No ◦ 25 or more employees
◦ employer must keep confidential
◦ must make reasonable accommodations to protect employee
◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ as needed to obtain relief
◦ can’t exceed leave allowance under FMLA
MILITARY LEAVE Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Federal ◦ for active duty, inactive duty, training, national guard activation No ◦ all employers
◦ must maintain health benefits
◦ must reemploy employee
◦ present or future members
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ cumulative total not to exceed 5 years
LEAVE Military and Veterans Code § 395.10
California ◦ to spend time with spouse or registered domestic partner of military personnel home on leave No ◦ 25 or more employees ◦ work at least average of 20 hours a week
◦ 2 days notify employer of need for leave
◦ submit documentation showing leave
◦ 10 days
MILITARY LEAVE Military and Veterans Code § 394.5 California ◦ for active duty, inactive duty, training, national guard activation No ◦ all employees ◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ 17 days annually
FAMILY MILITARY LEAVE (FMLA) Federal ◦ for employee with spouse, son, daughter, or parent in military
◦ to care for servicemember receiving medical treatment for serious illness or injury
No ◦ 50 or more employees within 75 miles
◦ maintain health insurance for employee
◦ return employee to same position
◦ employed at least 12 months
◦ at least 1250 work hours over last 12 months
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ 12 weeks in a 12 month period for qualified exigency
◦ 26 weeks in a 12 month period to care for a service member with serious illness or injury servicemember
◦ concurrent with regular FMLA
Labor Code §§ 230.7 & 230.8
California ◦ to participate in school activities, emergency, enrollment, or suspension activities No ◦ 25 or more employees
◦ no adverse action against employee
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ exhaust accrued vacation leave
◦ may need to provide documentation to employer
◦ parent/guardian/grandparent of child k-12 or licensed daycare
◦ 40 hours a year, no more than 8 hours each month
Cal. Elec. Code §14000
California ◦ to vote in State-wide election Yes, up to 2 hours ◦ all employers ◦ insufficient time outside of work to vote
◦ time must be taken at beginning or end of shift
◦ 2 days notify employer of need for leave
◦ enough working time to vote
Labor Code §§1040- 1044
California ◦ to provide opportunity for adult literacy training No ◦ 25 or more employees
◦ must reasonably accommodate employee so long as doesn’t cause undue hardship on employer
◦ participation kept confidential
◦ can’t terminate so long as job done satisfactorily
◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ none specified
Labor Code §§1500-1507
California ◦ emergency call to duty by California Wing of the civil auxiliary No ◦ 15 or more employees
◦ reinstatement to same or equivalent position
◦ employed for at least 90 days
◦ may need to furnish certification of activation
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ not required to exhaust accrued leave
◦ 3 days of leave per event; total of 10 days per calendar year
Labor Code 245 et seq.
California ◦ to provide for paid leave to attend to illness of self or other Yes ◦ all employers
◦ may substitute a PTO benefit that is equal to or greater than sick leave mandate
◦ may cap use at 24 hours per year
◦ may cap accrual at 48 hours per year
◦ nearly all employees
◦ employed for at least 30 days
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ accrual begins immediately
◦ can use accrued leave upon completion of 90 days
◦ 1 hour sick leave for every 30 hours worked or lump sum 24 hours per year
◦ can be used when exercising rights to other forms of leave
◦ minimum increment of 2 hours
Labor Code §§230.3 & 230.4
California ◦ to provide emergency services No ◦ 50 or more employees
◦ no adverse action against employee
◦ firefighter, peace officer or EMS
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ no more than 14 days per calendar year
Labor Code §§1025-1028
California ◦ for voluntary entry in to alcohol or drug rehabilitation program No ◦ 25 or more employees
◦ must reasonably accommodate employee so long as doesn’t cause undue hardship on employer
◦ participation kept confidential
◦ notify employer of need for leave ◦ none specified, but time to complete program
Labor Code §§1508-1512
California ◦ to permit organ or bone marrow donation Yes ◦ 15 or more employees
◦ must maintain health benefits
◦ reinstatement to same job, no break in service
◦ no adverse action against employee
◦ must provider certification of donor status
◦ may be required to use accrued leave
◦ notify employer of need for leave
◦ up to 30 business days/year for organ
◦ up to 5 business days/year for bone marrow
◦ leave need not be taken all at one time
◦ not concurrent with FMLA/CFRA